What becoming a mom has taught me…

The first thing it taught me was that you do not become a mother the day your child is born, you become a mother the day your baby is conceived. From that day forward, you are no longer making decision solely for yourself. You are now making decisions primarily for your baby and secondarily for yourself.

Becoming a mother has removed any judgments I had previously. It has helped me understand that you do not know everyone’s situation, you also do not know why anyone is making the choices they are for their child, their family or themselves. Each child is different, has different needs, tolerances, interests, activity levels, and that is just to name a few. At times, being a mother is difficult. It challenges you, it forces you to make decisions on the fly and do everything you can to protect this precious being that is of the utmost importance to you.

I have learned that in order to be the best mother possible I sometimes need to be selfish. I need to take time to myself each day. My son needs time without me. He needs one on one time with his dad. He needs me to be my best self so I can be the best for him.

I also need to be selfish when it comes to my sons needs. I have learned that it is okay to say no to plans if they are going to completely disrupt my sons schedule. Sometimes my son needs time with just his dad and I, so most weekends need to be dedicated for family time and that is okay. Some days he needs cuddles and dedicated attention. Other times he needs me at a distance to allow him to explore independently, while knowing I’m only an arms reach away. His needs always come first.

Becoming a mom has brought me complete joy. I am happier. I am kinder. I am more accepting. I am more myself, then I have ever been. It has brought out the best parts of me, and there is nothing greater then that.

No parent is perfect. You will never make the right decision every time, but you will always make the best decision for your child in that moment. You will never be calm 100% of the time. You will have days that you are cranky and frustrated. You will not look put together all the time, in fact a lot of days will consist of a pony tail, a quickly washed face and comfy clothes. The only guarantee is that you will be perfect for your child, and he/she will be perfect for you.

Most importantly, becoming a mom has taught love, in ways that I never knew existed. The love you experience with your child knows no bounds, it is the greatest feeling you will ever experience.

I am so grateful to have the greatest gift imaginable, Milo. Today I get to remember that he is the greatest gift I could have ever dreamed of. Everyday I get to hold him and see his smiling face looking up at me (or the slamming doors for his privacy in the future when he’s much older and I’m much less cool) is a day to remember how fortunate I am to be his momma.

Happy Mother’s Day to all the mommas out there. Especially those closest to me – my mom, G.G, Molly, Raquel, my aunts, and those no longer here on earth, Nanny and aunt Heather. I love you all and so does Milo. Thank you for helping shape me so I can be the best momma to my sweet boy.


To all the mommas who don’t realize how perfect they are

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